The ever-changing worldwide political and natural environments are presenting new challenges to the surface water rescue community that requires a more connected inter operable approach to meet these challenges. Download our “About IAWRP” informative flyer and share with your colleagues.
Mission Statement:
The International Association of Water Rescue Professionals (IAWRP) is dedicated to supporting individuals and organizations that are involved in all aspects of water rescue operations by keeping its members abreast of advances in training, equipment, and life saving techniques. IAWRP will also provide a conduit between the user community, industry and regulatory agencies at large to ensure the needs of its membership are presented and met. IAWRP will maintain an environment where water rescue professionals can openly communicate ensuring that we may all benefit from our combined knowledge and experience.
Use of IAWRP owned materials:
If your organization is interested in utilizing the IAWRP name, logo, images, audio recordings or video in your communications or on any other type of media distribution, please contact us prior to use at for written permission to do so.
Foundation Structure:
IAWRP is an independent 501(c)3 non profit entity